Why Tagless Printing?

Engineered Printing Solutions has worked with numerous apparel manufacturers (including non-profits) of T-shirts, underwear, and lingerie in developing tagless operations to identify brands, sizes, and care labels. The elimination of sewn-in tags, a more comfortable ‘feel’, additional branding and short run capabilities by way of custom automation are all reasons tagless printing is growing and here to stay. […]

How Do I Choose The Right Industrial Inkjet Printer?

How Do I Choose The Right Industrial Inkjet Printer? That’s the million dollar question! (Don’t worry. It won’t cost that much.) We’ve already outlined how you might benefit from the addition of an inkjet printer, and how to justify the cost of another piece of equipment, in a previous post. Now you have to match […]

Getting Started With Secure Pharmaceutical Packaging

You know there’s a threat to your brand, and you know you need to take action.  Crucial revenues are being lost each day, and your corporate reputation is at risk.  If you are in the pharmaceutical or medical device space, you know that Drug Quality and Security Act (DQSA) compliance is on the near term […]

Stuck with Pre-treating for Adhesion?

Pad printing’s a great way to transfer images to 3-dimensional parts. Its versatility handling shapes and substrates composition surpass almost every other automated marking method. However, getting that ink to ADHERE to all these parts can present a challenge, especially parts molded from Polyethylene (PE) or Polypropylene (PP). These two substrates exhibit a low surface […]