Join Us at NPE2024 As Our Guest!

We are Headed to NPE2024 in Orlando, FL May 6 – 10, 2024!

We are pretty excited to attend the NPE2024 trade show on May 6-10 in Orlando, FL, and we would like to offer you a chance to attend as well!

Our booth is number is W5542 in the West Building Level 2 – Expo Hall. Here is a map to our booth: EPS Booth Map

The XDLT platform features a continuous circulating ink management system and LED-UV print cure. Inks flow through the print heads at a consistent temperature and viscosity, providing reliable high-speed, high resolution (360 dpi) prints.

NPE2024 is the largest annual plastics manufacturing event in the US, bringing together suppliers and buyers for every part of the product development cycle.

Click the link below to register for the show! 

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